Airtel Prepaid Tariff Plans Uttar Pradesh East & 2G Data
Amount | Validity | Benefits 2G internet Data |
9 | 1 Day | Internet 50MB 2G Data |
19 | 2 Days | Internet 110MB 2G Data |
28 | 3 Days | Internet 160MB 2G Data |
57 | 8 Days | Internet 325MB 2G Data |
73 | 10 Days | Internet 420 MB 2G Data |
97 | 14 Days | Internet 550MB 2G Data |
107 | 14 Days | Internet 600 MB 2G Data |
122 | 18 Days | Internet 475 MB 2G Data. |
125 | 18 Days | Internet 710MB 2G Data |
128 | 18 Days | Internet 535 MB 2G data. |
148 | 21 Days | Internet 850 MB 2G Data |
171 | 24 Days | Internet 950 MB 2G Data |
175 | 28 Days | Internet 1 GB Data. |
199 | 28 Days | Internet 1.25GB 2G Data. |
209 | 28 Days | Internet 1 GB 2G data. |
247 | 28 Days | Internet 2GB 3G Data. |
297 | 28 Days | Internet 2.5 GB 2G Data. |
Airtel Data Recharge (3G/4G)
Amount | Validity | Benefits |
4 | 1 Day | Internet 40p/MB 3G/2G data |
26 | 3 Days | Internet 105 MB 3G/4G Data |
46 | 1 Night | Internet 1 GB 3G/4G for 1 Night (12AM to 6AM) |
56 | 6 Days | Internet 225MB 3G Data |
95 | 10 Days | Internet 380 MB 3G Data |
96 | 2 Days | Internet 1 GB 3G Data |
106 | 28 Days | Internet 265 MB 3G Data. |
112 | 12 Days |
Internet 450 MB 3G Data |
126 | 28 Days | Internet 1GB 3G NIGHT DATA (12AM TO 6AM). |
136 | 14 Days | Internet 550MB 3G Data Data |
156 | 16 Days | Internet 625 MB 3G Data |
174 | 18 Days | Internet 700 MB 3G Data |
187 | 28 Days | Internet 400MB 3G day & night + 400MB night( 12AM – 6AM).. |
196 | 28 Days | Internet 500 MB 3G Data |
204 | 28 Days | Internet 500 MB 3G Data |
206 | 21 Days | Internet 825MB 3G Data |
246 | 21 Days | Internet 1GB 3G Data |
254 | 28 Days | Internet 1000 MB 3G Data |
255 | 28 Days | Internet 1 GB 3G Data |
266 | 28 Days | Internet 1GB 3G data |
294 | 28 Days | Internet 1GB 3G day & night + 1GB night(12AM-6AM |
296 | 28 Days | Internet 1.25 GB 3G Data |
298 | 28 Days | Internet Jackpot 3G data benefit between 1.25 GB to 10 GB 3G Data |
312 | 28 Days | Internet 1.3 GB 3G Data |
346 | 28 Days | Internet 1.5 GB 3G Data |
349 | 28 Days | Internet 1GB 3G day & night + 2GB 3G Night(12AM to 6AM) Data. |
376 | 60 Days | Internet 1GB 3G Data. |
446 | 28 Days | Internet 3 GB 3G Data |
496 | 28 Days | Internet 3.5 GB 3G Data. |
547 | 28 Days | Internet 2GB 3G day & night + 2GB night(12AM – 6AM). |
646 | 28 Days | Internet 5 GB 3G Data. |
696 | 28 Days | Internet 3GB 3G Internet (Post 3GB, [email protected] for 2GB & [email protected]). |
797 | 28 Days | Internet 3GB 3G day & night + 3GB night ( 12AM – 6AM). |
846 | 28 Days | Internet 7 GB 3G Data. |
896 | 28 Days | Internet 4GB 3G Internet (Post 4GB, [email protected] for 2GB & [email protected] |
947 | 28 Days | Internet 4GB 3G day & night + 4GB night (12AM – 6AM |
996 | 28 Days | Internet 10 GB 3G Data. |
1096 | 28 Days | Internet 11 GB 3G Data. |
1097 | 28 Days | Internet 5GB 3G day & night + 5GB night ( 12AM – 6AM). |
1246 | 28 Days | Internet 6GB 3G/4G Internet |
1247 | 28 Days | Internet 6GB 3G data day & night + 6GB night ( 12AM – 6AM). |
1496 | 28 Days | Internet 15 GB 3G Data & Rs10 Talk time. |
1749 | 28 Days | Internet 5GB 3G/4G, Unlimited Local mobile calls+ Unlimited Music & Movie |
1847 | 28 Days | Internet 10GB 3G day & night +10GB night ( 12AM – 6AM). |
1996 | 90 Days | Internet 15 GB 3G Data. |
Airtel Full Talktime
Amount | Validity | Benefits |
200 | Lifetime | Rs. 200 Talk Time |
250 | Lifetime | Talk Time Rs. 250. |
300 | Lifetime | Rs300 main account Talk Time. |
390 | Lifetime | Talk Time Rs. 390 |
400 | Lifetime | Talk Time Rs. 400. |
500 | Lifetime | Talk Time of Rs. 510. |
550 | Lifetime | Talk Time Rs. 550. |
600 | Lifetime | Talk Time Rs. 600 |
650 | Lifetime | Talk Time Rs. 650. |
700 | Lifetime | Talk Time Rs. 700 |
800 | Lifetime | Talk Time Rs. 800. |
850 | Lifetime | Talk Time Rs. 850 |
900 | Lifetime | Talk Time Rs. 900 |
1000 | Lifetime | Talk Time Rs. 1000 |
1500 | Lifetime | Talk Time Rs. 1500 |
2000 | Lifetime | Talk Time Rs.2200 |
Airtel Roaming pack
Amount | Validity | Description |
5 | 1 Day | Roaming Tariff – Incoming calls 10p/minute Outgoing local 80p/minute STD 1.15Rs/minute |
34 | 10 Days | Roaming Tariff – Incoming Free, Outgoing local 80p/minute STD 1.15Rs/minute |
72 | 30 Days | Roaming Tariff – Incoming Free, Outgoing local 80p/minute STD 1.15Rs/minute |
188 | 28 Days | Roaming Tariff – Incoming Free, Outgoing local 80p/minute STD 1.15Rs/minute with Talktime 120 |
306 | 28 Days | Full talktime 306 with Roaming Tariff – Incoming Free, Outgoing local 80p/minute STD 1.15Rs/minute |
Airtel Mobile Recharge (STV Combo )
Amount | Validity | Benefits |
2 | 180 Days | Local Mobile, Fixed line call Re1/min, STD Mobile, Fixed line call Rs1.5/min |
6 | 2 Days | Local Mobile Calls at 35p/min (Daily 1st 90 secs at 2p/sec |
7 | 28 Days | Nepal mobile calling 15p/sec |
8 | 3 Days | First call of the [email protected] 120 Sec Local/Std Mobile @2P/Sec |
11 | 7 Days | Local+STD Mobile Calls at 50p/min |
12 | 10 Days | Local/STD 120 SMS. |
13 | 28 Days | STD mobile call 30p/minute(1st 120 sec per [email protected]/second). |
15 | 5 Days | Local airtel mobile [email protected]/minute(1st 120 sec per [email protected]/second). |
16 | 3 Days | Local Airtel Mobile Calls at 15p/min (Daily 1st 120 secs at 2p/second). |
17 | 28 Days | Local airtel mobile [email protected]/min(1st 120 sec per [email protected]/second). |
18 | 7 Days | Local Mobile Calls at 30p/m (Daily 1st 60 secs at 2p/second). |
21 | 8 Days | Local+STD Mobile calls at 30p/m, Daily 1st 120 seconds |
22 | Unlimited | 30MB(2G/3G),Unlimited Validity+Local/STD Mobile & Fixed Line call 2p/seconds |
23 | 28 Days | All local mobile call 1p/second |
24 | Unlimited | Talktime of Rs18.47 with unlimited validity in main account + 3 Local Airtel SMS |
25 | 3 Days | Rs25 Talktime for 3 days + 3 Local Airtel SMS for 1 day |
27 | 7 Days | Local Mobile Calls at 30p/min. |
29 | 28 Days | All STD mobile [email protected]/min |
31 | 28 Days | 300 Local airtel night minutes, after that Re1 per 20 min (11 PM to 6 AM). |
32 | 7 Days | All Local Mobile [email protected]/min. |
35 | 8 Days | Local+STD Mobile call at 30p/min. |
36 | 28 Days | 400 Local+STD SMS. |
37 | 5 Days | 120 Local airtel minutes. |
38 | 5 Days | 60 Local+STD Mobile Calling Minutes |
39 | 28 Days | All Local+STD mobile [email protected]/min ( Daily 1st 120 sec per [email protected]/sec). |
41 | 5 Days | 70 All Local mobile Minutes. |
43 | 28 Days | Local airtel mobile [email protected]/min (Daily first 120 [email protected]/sec |
44 | 6 Days | Local Airtel Mobile Calls 10p/min, Other Local Mobile Calls 30p/min |
45 | 28 Days | All Local mobile call 30p/minute (1st 120 sec per [email protected]/sec). |
47 | 28 Days | Local mobile [email protected]/min. |
48 | 28 Days | STD mobile call 30p/minute |
49 | Unlimited | Talktime of Rs.39.61. To check balance, |
51 | 21 Days | Unlimited Night Local airtel mobile Calls (12AM to 6 AM). |
53 | Unlimited | 75MB(2G/3G),Unlimited Validity+Local/STD Mobile & Fixed Line call 2p/sec |
54 | 7 Days | 90 Local Mobile calling minutes. |
55 | 6 Days | Rs55 Talktime for 6 days + 3 Local Airtel SMS for 1 day |
58 | 12 Days | Local Airtel Mobile calls at 10p/min |
61 | 28 Days | Local airtel mobile call 25p/min. |
62 | 45 Days | 690 Local+STD SMS. |
64 | 28 Days | Local+STD mobile [email protected]/min. |
65 | 8 Days | 220 Local airtel mobile calling minutes. |
66 | 28 Days | All Local mobile call 35p/minute |
68 | 10 Days | 10 Nepal Mobile Calling Minutes. |
69 | 20 Days | Local airtel mobile [email protected]/min(1st 120 sec per [email protected]/second |
74 | Unlimited | 110MB(2G/3G),Unlimited Validity+Local/STD Mobile & Fixed Line call 2p/sec |
75 | 28 Days | Local airtel mobile calls 10p/minute(Daily 1st 120 sec per [email protected]/sec |
77 | 28 Days | Local Airtel mobile call 20p/minute |
78 | 28 Days | All local mobile call 30p/minute |
79 | 28 Days | Rs10 Talktime + All Local and STD mobile [email protected]/min, daily 1st 120 [email protected]/second |
84 | 7 Days | 150 Local Mobile calling minutes |
85 | 10 Days | Full Talktime of Rs85 + 3 Local airtel SMS |
89 | 30 Days | Local Airtel Mobile calls 20p/minute |
91 | 28 Days | 1000 All Local and STD SMS. |
92 | 30 Days | Local Mobile calls 30p/minute |
93 | 56 Days | STD Mobile calls 30p/minute |
98 | 7 Days | 150 Local Mobile Minutes., |
101 | 28 Days | Local Airtel mobile call 15p/min |
102 | 12 Days | 200 Local Mobile Minutes. To check minute balance & validity, |
105 | 28 Days | All Local+STD mobile call 30p/min |
108 | 28 Days | Local airtel 20p/min, Other Local 40p/min and STD mobile call 60p/min. |
118 | 28 Days | Local [email protected]/min, Local [email protected]/min & STD mobile call 50p/min. |
123 | 28 Days | Local Airtel Call -10p/min. Applicable for UP-East Service Area only |
129 | 15 Days | 230 Local+STD Mobile Minutes |
135 | 30 Days | 20 Nepal Mobile Calling Minutes |
138 | 28 Days | Local airtel mobile 20p/min, Other Local 30p/m & STD mobile call 35p/min |
144 | 7 Days | 230 Local+STD Mobile Minutes. |
149 | 28 Days | 265 Local+STD Mobile Minutes. |
185 | 28 Days | Local airtel 10p/min, Other Local 30p/min and STD mobile call 30p/min. |
197 | 28 Days | 500 Local mobile calling minutes |
198 | 3 Days | Unlimited Local Airtel Mobile Calls. |
201 | 28 Days | 25000 All local mobile calling seconds. |
205 | 28 Days | 750 Local airtel mobile minutes |
207 | 28 Days | 525 Local Mobile Minutes. |
219 | 28 Days | 490 Local + STD Mobile Minutes. |
222 | 30 Days | Rs 222 Talktime + 3 Local airtel SMS |
249 | 4 Days | Unlimited Local Airtel Mobile Calls. |
295 | 7 Days | Unlimited Local Airtel Mobile Calls |
299 | 28 Days | 3000 Local airtel mobile minutes |
307 | 28 Days | 600 Local + STD Mobile Minutes. |
333 | 45 Days | Rs333 Talk time + 3 Local airtel SMS for 1 day. # |
348 | 28 Days | 6000 Local airtel mobile minutes. |
398 | 28 Days | 4500 Local Airtel Mobile Calling Minutes. |
444 | 60 Days | Rs444 Talk time + 3 Local airtel SMS for 1 day.. |
449 | 28 Days | 5000 Local Airtel Mobile Minutes. |
455 | 28 Days | Talktime benefit of Rs500+3 Local airtel SMS for 28 days. |
599 | 28 Days | Data 1 GB 3G + Unlimited Local Airtel Calls. |
799 | 28 Days | Internet Data 1GB 3G + Unlimited Airtel (Local/STD) Mobile Calls |
899 | 28 Days | Internet Data 1 GB 3G + Unlimited Local Mobile Calls. |
Recharge Plans
Amount | Validity | Description |
10 | Lifetime | Talk Time Rs. 7.7 |
20 | Lifetime | Talk Time Rs. 15.39 |
30 | Lifetime | Talk Time Rs. 23.09 |
40 | Lifetime | Talk Time Rs. 31.78 |
50 | Lifetime | Talk Time Rs. 40.48 |
60 | Lifetime | Talk Time Rs. 49.17 |
70 | Lifetime | Talk Time Rs. 57.87 |
80 | Lifetime | Talk Time Rs. 66.57 |
90 | Lifetime | 75.26 Talk Time |
100 | Lifetime | Talk Time Rs. 85. |
110 | Lifetime | Talk Time Rs. 92.65 |
120 | Lifetime | Talk Time Rs. 101.35. |
130 | Lifetime | Talk Time Rs. 110.04. |
140 | Lifetime | Talk Time Rs. 118.74. |
150 | Lifetime | Talk Time Rs. 130. |
160 | Lifetime | Talk Time Rs. 136.13. |
350 | Lifetime | Talk Time between Rs350 to 370. |
Airtel Prepaid Voucher
Amount | Validity | Benefits |
1 | Next Day Mid Night | Sikka PRC-300 Local airtel to Airtel seconds(10pm-8am)/5Local/STD SMS |
5 | 1 Day | Local airtel mob 12 minute( |
5 | 1 Day | Local mobile 8 minutes(Pick Pack |
5 | 1 Day | 20MB 2G Internet |
5 | 1 Day | Free Incoming on roaming, Outgoing Re1.5 paise/second |
5 | 2 Days | Local/National 100 SMS and 100 Local+National SMS + 10 Minute Radio Mirchi |
9 | 1 Day | Internet 30MB 3G Data (Pick Pack Recharge) |
9 | 1 Day | Internet 40MB 2G Data (Pick Pack Recharge) |
9 | 1 Night (12AM To 6AM) | Unlimited Local Airtel night mobile call(Pick Pack RC) |
9 | 1 Day | 13 Local/STD mobile minutes (Pick Pack Recharge) |
10 | 7.90 Talktime | |
15 | 1 Days | Internet 45 MB 3G Data |
15 | 2 Days | Internet 60 MB 2G Data |
15 | 2 Days | Local airtel Night mobile 250 minutes |
15 | 2 Days | Local+STD mobile 250 minutes |
15 | 2 Days | All Local mobile 24 minutes |
15 | 2 Days | Local Airtel mobile 45 minutes |
19 | 15 Days | 35p/min All STD Mobile Call |
19 | 20 Days | 1p/sec All Local Mobile Call |
19 | 6 Days | 30p/min All Local Mobile Call |
19 | 8 Days | 20p/min Local Airtel Mobile Call |
19 | 4 Days | 10p/min Local Airtel Mobile Call |
20 | Talktime 15.80 | |
25 | 3 Days | Internet 100 MB 2G |
25 | 3 Days | 40 local/STD mobile minutes |
25 | 3 Days | All local mobile 45 minutes |
25 | 3 Days | local Airtel mobile 80 minutes |
25 | 3 Days | 25 Talktime +3 airtel to airtel free SMS(for 1 Day |
25 | 3 Days | Internet 75 MB 3G |
29 | 3 Days | Local Mobile 46 Minutes |
29 | 3 Days | Local Airtel Mobile 96 Minute |
29 | 3 Days | Internet 120MB 2G |
29 | 3 Days | Internet 100MB 3G |
29 | 3 Days | Local+STD Mobile 42 Minutes |
30 | 23.70 Talktime | |
46 | 1 Night | 1GB 3G Data 12AM to 6AM for 1 night |
50 | Talk Time 41.50 | |
100 | Talk Time 86.00 |